Friday, March 27, 2009

Song In The Air

5 years after the fact, after their demise, I finally got Elliott's album, Song In The Air. I'm only halfway through the first song, and I can already tell I'm going to wear this album out.

This morning I had to take my wife's car to get some work done on it. Instead of sitting around in the lobby, anxious, and waiting, I went to Starbucks. I got a coffee, sat down with my laptop, and out of nowhere, a new idea for a story came to me. In no time flat, my brain was off and running, and lo and behold, I've got yet another story in the works.

This makes 3 stories that I'm working on. 3 books. (The word "novel" just seems as pretentious as fuck to me.)

I'm going to school for a bachelor's degree in communications with a minor in journalism. I want to get my master's degree, and eventually my PhD. But what do I want to "do with my life?" I'd love to be a college professor, but what I'd love even more is to be a writer. A writer who can make a living through writing. I don't want to be "big", kicking out a book every 6 months, but I want to be doing well enough, that I can live comfortably. Plus, I think it'd be awesome, when people ask me what I do for a living, being able to respond with, "I sit on my ass and make shit up."

Back to writing.


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