Sunday, June 13, 2010

There is no try.

There are over 30 short stories just sitting there rotting on my hard-drive. It's time to start sending them out for publication. When something gets published, whether in print or online, I'll post about it here.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hula Hoop Wounds

In the past month I've written 6 short stories. They range from 5 pages to 23 pages. I'm still working on my 2 "novels", but I've been focusing on short stories since I have a fiction writing class next semester. The plan is, since I have 20 credits in the Fall, I know I'll be stressed for time, so having some stuff done already, will hopefully work to my advantage.

I haven't had anyone read the short stories yet, since I still have to edit some of them, making little changes here and there. For the most part, they're "Transgressional Fiction" with one being a short story from when I was a kid, and another being my take on a friend's experience with a difficult customer at work.

Maybe I'll post one on here.

Maybe not.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Last night I was super stressed about a bunch of things.

Somehow, I found Matt and Kim on Myspace, and listening to "daylight", put a huge smile on my face.

Check them out:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Took my last final of Winter semester tonight. I have 6 days off, then Spring/Summer classes start.

I really enjoyed this past semester. I had friends in every class, my professors were great, and I learned a lot.

Tomorrow I'm cleaning the kitchen from floor to ceiling. (I've been putting it off for about two weeks now.) Then I am going to get a hair cut, and going for a long ass bike ride. (I might incorporate the two.)

My neighbor's have like 6 kids, (in a 3 bedroom townhouse) and one of their bedroom windows is about 6 feet from where I'm sitting right now. They like to yell all hours of the night, leave Blue Bunny Ice Cream wrappers in front of our townhouse, and generally just be assholes (i.e.: kids).

One positive thing about them is that if someone is blaring music at 2am, when I'm trying to write, I can count on them opening their window, and yelling, "Turn that shit down! I'm trying to sleep!"

Good Times.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Itchy Sweaty Summer Skin

I was going to write a post about how I couldn't accomplish anything today, because I'm so anxious.

After writing, and backspacing over and over, I decided to quit writing.

I'm anxious. (That was easy enough.)



Even when the dogs aren't here, my body wakes me up at 6 to feed them.

Work in 4 hours.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the most beautiful silence never heard

I went to the eye doctor yesterday. I was long overdue to get my eyes checked since it had been nearly 9 years since I last had my eyes checked. My left eye hasn't changed in 9 years, where as my right eye has gotten weaker. I ordered 2 pairs of glasses, because 1-The were buy one get one half off and 2-My uncle is my eye doctor, so I get a sweet discount. My sexy specs should arrive in a few weeks. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty pumped!

Aside from that, it's just same 'ole, same 'ole. I have 3 weeks of Winter classes left, and Summer classes start in 5 weeks. Is it weird that I really like going to college? My professor, who calls me "a keeper" gave me the opportunity to do a performance "piece" at University of Michigan next month, and get college credit for it. I was honestly surprised that she thought I was "good enough" to represent my school, and her as a professor. I told her I'd do it, but instead of paying for the credit, I'm doing it for the fun of it. Is that weird?

Back to the books.